Moms and Sisters, Loving greetings to all my dear mothers and to my beloved sisters. As today is Women's day, I wish you all a ‘Very Happy Women's Day. I am proud to be a woman and extremely happy that I'm a Mother. Recently you may have read about an Indian origin woman who was part of NASA Team, who announced Perseverance Rover safely landing on Mars and few days ago I read about an all Indian women pilot crew who flew from San Francisco to Bangalore. It shows that women are capable of doing many things. Now let's come to the biblical perspective, what the Bible talks about women. Bible says we are honoured and we are precious in God’s sight. Let us consider some of the incredible achievements of praying women of the bible. As the saying goes, "A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape, but a woman who knows God (strength) kneels down in prayer every day to keep her soul in shape” Even though God knows our needs ...
Rani Dhanraj is wife, mother & grandmother. She has been blessed with 7 children and 9 grandkids & counting. She is a woman of Faith, who through her experiences of life,has been an encouragement to many women especially mothers. She quit her job as a staff nurse, to be a stay at home mother to raise up her children in the fear of the Lord, teaching and training them to be faithful disciples of Christ. She is an ardent reader, She also enjoys cooking and gardening.