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Persevere in Prayer

 Moms and Sisters, 

 Loving greetings to all my dear mothers and to my beloved sisters. 

As today is  Women's day, I wish you all a ‘Very Happy Women's Day. I am proud to be a woman and extremely happy that I'm a Mother.

Recently you may have read about an Indian origin woman who was part of NASA Team, who announced Perseverance Rover safely landing on Mars and few days ago I read about an all Indian women pilot crew who flew from San Francisco to Bangalore. It shows that women are capable of doing many things.

Now let's come to the biblical perspective, what the Bible talks about women. Bible says we are honoured and we are precious in God’s sight. Let us consider some of the incredible achievements of praying women of the bible. As the saying goes, "A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape, but a woman who knows God (strength)  kneels down in prayer every day to keep her soul in shape” 

Even though God knows our needs even before we ask, we are commanded to pray.  We can trust God and in His providence, He will meet all our needs. We pray in order to acknowledge our utter dependence upon the Lord and give Him the glory due to His name.

In scripture we read about many strong and faithful women of God who achieved a lot by praying.

The Canaanite woman:      

This woman had a lot going against her. She was viewed extremely poor and despised by the Jews. She prayed to the Lord Jesus, his disciples called her an annoyance. Yet she continued to cry out to the Lord, because she knew God and she did not allow others who are around her to cause her faith to stumble. Some of us are like this woman, as we are praying for our children to turn to the Lord. He will hear us and answer us and that will be an achievement greater than anything else in this world. 

Bible says in Mathew 15:26- 28 ‘she cried to the Lord for her daughter saying even the dogs get to eat the crumbs falling from the table. Jesus answered her “Woman, you have great faith! Let it be done to you as you desire" So dear mothers, today that's the same word the Lord would say to us, if we believe & pray in faith, concerning our children, their salvation and for their spiritual growth in the Lord as we live in this evil world. The influence of the present world is driving our children away from God, but we need to continue to pray in faith that God will change them and bring them back to God and use them for His glory.


Hannah’s prayer is one of the most inspiring women in the Bible. 1 Samuel 1:10,11 we see Hannah cried out to the Lord, she was unafraid to show Him her broken heart, depression and her emotions. But in her despair Hannah fell before God and she knew exactly what she wanted from the Lord, also she felt that she doesn't deserve anything, None of us deserve the blessings that we are enjoying now that's why they are blessings. When the Lord blessed Hannah she fulfilled her promise. She prayed boldly and offered boldly. 

There are many more women who prayed and achieved many things which are recorded in the Bible. Dear mothers we can get to know them by reading God’s word every day that will increase our faith and our love to know Him more closely.

So let us hope to have faith in His ability and His willingness to meet our needs and needs of those whom we love.

No matter how many obstacles we face we should continue to persevere in prayer. God responds to expressions of faith. Numerous times I've cried out to God, He heard my prayers and answered me. He is faithful. 

All glory and honour belongs to my Father in heaven, for what I'm today is because of His Love and Grace.

At the right time He will act and it will be wonderful.

Let us continue to pray for our children’s faith, that their faith will please God. Even though they are young and sometimes don't feel very important, but they are very important for God.

Dear mothers let us be the achievers for God by praying more in the coming days and get incredible answers to our prayers.

God bless you all.


  1. Thank you Aunty Rani! This quote will stay with me...As the saying goes, "A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape, but a woman who knows God (strength) kneels down in prayer every day to keep her soul in shape”

  2. Thankful to God for you, Aunty. Our spiritually exercise is kneeling before the Lord everyday. It's high time we start taking efforts to exercise spiritually. So many days I have taken pains to wake up very early in the morning and go for long walks before the city is awake. How much more pains I should take to wake up early and seek Him early while He may be found. Thank you for this post aunty. Much love to you and uncle. Eagerly waiting to see you all at MY Chennai.


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