Greetings to you my dear mothers, sisters and all of you, reading this post! Today let's meditate on how to live one day at a time without worrying about tomorrow. This is something that is very important, as throughout our life the question that each one of us need to answer is, how do we use our time? The Bible speaks more about it, but do not overlook this one fact, "Beloved that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day - 2 Peter 3:8" My human mind can't understand this, but I can understand the verse in Ephesians 5:16 it says, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. So let's live one day at a time. The Bible also says His mercy is new everyday. I read an article in the newspaper, it said, Time is a very precious commodity. It is supplied to us on a daily basis to utilise it to the fullest.This supply is constant throughout our life. From the day we are born till the day we die. We will never receive a ...
Rani Dhanraj is wife, mother & grandmother. She has been blessed with 7 children and 9 grandkids & counting. She is a woman of Faith, who through her experiences of life,has been an encouragement to many women especially mothers. She quit her job as a staff nurse, to be a stay at home mother to raise up her children in the fear of the Lord, teaching and training them to be faithful disciples of Christ. She is an ardent reader, She also enjoys cooking and gardening.