One day at a Time
Greetings to you my dear mothers, sisters and all of you, reading this post!
Today let's meditate on how to live one day at a time without worrying about tomorrow. This is something that is very important, as throughout our life the question that each one of us need to answer is, how do we use our time?
The Bible speaks more about it, but do not overlook this one fact, "Beloved that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day - 2 Peter 3:8" My human mind can't understand this, but I can understand the verse in Ephesians 5:16 it says, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. So let's live one day at a time. The Bible also says His mercy is new everyday.
I read an article in the newspaper, it said, Time is a very precious commodity. It is supplied to us on a daily basis to utilise it to the fullest.This supply is constant throughout our life. From the day we are born till the day we die. We will never receive a second more or less on any given day, irrespective of whether we are old or young, rich or poor, sick or healthy, male or female, most important believers or atheists, genius or layman. This allocation of time is equal to everyone in the universe.
How well do we utilise it and make the most of it to glorify God in our life is very essential.
Time = Life
waste your time and waste your life, Instead, master your time and master your life, says Alan Lakein. When we wake up in the morning, we are magically given twenty four hours, which is ours for that day. This precious hour no one can steal, or take away from us and no one receives more or less. Time is such a commodity that even if we waste it, the supply will never be withheld from us the next day. We cannot waste tomorrow because it is kept for us, for the next day, Most importantly, we cannot draw time from the future or get into debt, but how we spend our time that twenty four hours is what we are accountable to God as God's children.
The Bible says do not worry about tomorrow. Mathew 6:24 says "Tomorrow has its own worries" We have to live only for today. Let us therefore choose wisely how we will spend these twenty hours that is (Today)
Let's determine to spend it in a profitable way like, praying for our children, Spiritual activities for our soul, meditating on God's word, seeking for ways to bless & encourage or lift up someone who comes across our path, speak only words that build up and not tear down other people, then true contentment & Joy in Christ will be ours. Our Father who sees in secret will one day reward us openly with every blessing He has promised in His word.
My favourite song written by Kris kristofferson prays
One day at a time dear Jesus,
That's all I'm asking from you,
Just give me the strength to do everyday
what I have to do,
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus,
and tomorrow may never be mine,
Lord help me today,
show me the way one day at a time.
I'm only human, I'm just woman (mother)
Help me believe, in what I could be
And all that I am,
Show me the stairway that I have to climb
Lord for my sake
Teach me to take
One day at a time.
So my dear mothers, let's not worry about
tomorrow .Our father knows how much we can handle,That's why he has given us just today.
He says just be faithful today, be wholehearted today, love me today and also a very important verse in the Bible, The most precious verse, Today is the day of salvation. so that we will have rest for our soul, and we are assured of His love forever.
Let's pray like this, Lord you are Almighty and I will rest nowhere but in your presence where there is fullness of joy and that will be infinitely ,immeasurably, unspeakably, beyond my understanding.
God bless you all.
My sincere prayers continues.
Thank you aunty for sharing about making use of our time. Lately the Lord has been speaking to me constantly about giving him back the best out of the 24hrs that He blesses me everyday with. Thank you again. Much love ❤️😘