Greetings to all my dear Mothers and Sisters and all who are reading this today! Hope you all are doing well by God’s grace and mercy, may we remind ourselves that it is indeed God's mercy that we are most privileged people to have life and good health. Let’s not take it for granted dear mothers. I consider each day as a gift from God for me. I was thinking of the importance of praying through hard times and finding strength in God’s presence. This book was gifted to me by one of my best friend; I felt that it came at the right time, as I read I was blessed and it was very helpful in my present situation hence I thought it will bless you all, so I am sharing a few thoughts on that. “Comfort and prosperity have never enriched the people as much as adversity has.” says Billy Graham. Yes, we lean on God more when we go through adversity than in good times. He allows certain sufferings to certain people whom he loves, because he wants them to trust Him and com...
Rani Dhanraj is wife, mother & grandmother. She has been blessed with 7 children and 9 grandkids & counting. She is a woman of Faith, who through her experiences of life,has been an encouragement to many women especially mothers. She quit her job as a staff nurse, to be a stay at home mother to raise up her children in the fear of the Lord, teaching and training them to be faithful disciples of Christ. She is an ardent reader, She also enjoys cooking and gardening.