Always Pray and Never lose heart

Greetings to all my dear Mothers and Sisters and all who are reading this today!

Hope you all are doing well by God’s grace and mercy, may we remind ourselves that it is indeed God's mercy that we are most privileged people to have life and good health. Let’s not take it for granted dear mothers. I consider each day as a gift from God for me. 

I was thinking of the importance of praying through hard times and finding strength in God’s presence. This book was gifted to me by one of my best friend; I felt that it came at the right time, as I read I was blessed and it was very helpful in my present situation hence I thought it will bless you all, so I am sharing a few thoughts on that. “Comfort and prosperity have never enriched the people as much as adversity has.” says Billy Graham. Yes, we lean on God more when we go through adversity than in good times. He allows certain sufferings to certain  people whom he loves, because he wants them to trust Him and come closer to him. It can come through any means, may be through our children, our relatives, sickness etc. Through it all God wants us to go to Him and spend time with Him in Prayer, and stay calm in tough situations. He will handle it. The Bible says in Psalms 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God” This is one of my favorite verses. 

I would like to share a story of a little girl named Sweety, a five year old orphan girl. Every day she used to go to the Church nearby and knelt down and prayed, after that she would go and play.  The Pastor of the Church noticed her and wondered what this little girl would be praying every day. One day he waited for her to finish praying and asked her, Sweety, may I know what is your request to God, can I help you in anyway. so the little girl Sweety looked up smiling and said "Uncle, I don’t know how to pray, so every day I come here and say the alphabets A to Z, 10 times, and I tell the Lord my requests are in these letters, you can now work it out and answer me, that’s my prayer" she said. The Pastor stood there just silent and was amazed at her sincere & simple trust in God.

Yes my dear mothers, her heart is so pure but she has no words, so let  our hearts too be pure, where we have no words but our prayers will go up every day to God until He answers our prayers. God sees our heart not our words. The Bible says we ought to be like little children. Let me come back to the topic, praying through hard times and not giving up till we receive an answer. Many times we give up thinking it won’t happen and it’s not possible etc., but the Bible says, ‘Nothing is impossible with God,’ nothing means nothing, like we see in - Luke 1:37 - It’s important to understand that we can never help things work out in our own way, we have to have faith in the Lord and know that His ways will surely lead us to the way God intended and it’s good for us. We should never give up praying at all times of adversity so that we can stay close to God. 

Finally I would like to conclude with a true story of a mother who never gave up praying for her son. There was a woman who was a widow; she had a son, whom she brought up in the fear of God. As he was growing, in his teens he joined with a group of bad friends, as bible says ‘bad company corrupts good moral.’ He left home and never returned. But this widowed mother, never gave up but she started praying, she prayed like this “I need to see my son’s salvation before my death,” as days went by and months went by and even years went on, this mother, “never gave up praying” while washing and cooking the whole day her prayer was for her son’s salvation. One day all her neighbors were getting ready to go for a revival meeting, they took her also and went. By this time she was bent half, her eyes were dim, it was a big auditorium, thousands gathered, and as the big man arrived the crowd welcomed him with lots of applause and cheers. Because he was a gifted preacher and well known person. This big preacher started introducing himself, saying ‘Today I’m standing here, it’s because of my mother, I know she would have prayed for me without giving up, she was a prayerful woman when I left home. His mother who was there in the meeting recognized her son’s voice, and the neighbors too recognized him, she stood up to have a glance at her son, though her eyes was dim, the son ran and took his mother on stage and said it’s because of my mother, I stand before you today as a Minister of God. There was a huge applause from the crowd and there was celebration. Mother spoke a few words because her son gave the microphone. I'm sure she would have said. “Mothers never give up praying for your children, I asked God for my son’s salvation every day and God gave more than I asked.” So dear mothers, never give up praying for your children’s salvation, healing, life partner etc. God will surely answer. Its been true for myself and  everyone I have come across ‘no mother’s prayer have gone unanswered.’  God answered many of my prayers, and I continue to wait for more prayers to be answered and I know He will.  

The Bible says, Let’s pray for one another in the fear of God.

Praying for you,
Have a great day ahead
Love and God bless you all


  1. Wow ! What an article ! Very encouraging.Life speaks.Thank you sister for your exemplary life ! Praise God !

  2. Thank you aunty Rani God bless you as you continue to encourage the mother's.❤️

  3. Beautiful and inspiring. Touched me alot. Praise my god.

  4. Beautiful. So mch of inspiration and encourage mnt. Thanks fr sharing. God bless.

  5. Sis Rani wow what a blessed testimony as the scripture says Testimony of Jesus is spirit of prophecy, truly your life is just an encouragement to my family.


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