Greetings to all my dear mothers, sister and dear ones reading this post! My sincere thanks to all, for praying for me, I’m doing well by the grace of God. It’s only the mercy of God that I’m alive and healthy today. We have to be thankful to God every day for his mercy. It’s a good thing to do. Dear mothers ‘praying is so important every day.’ Let’s not take it for granted. What we know is to live the present wholeheartedly believing that God is faithful and we should be grateful to Him every day. Because God is faithful and he will never let us down when we fully trust Him. “Prayer does wonders” I read an article on prayer: It said “Satan trembles, when he sees the weakest Saint upon his knees.” ― William Cowper. Because he knows his kingdom is going to be shaken. The only weapon and a strong weapon that we can use against Satan is Prayer. I’ve experienced in my life many times not knowing what to do or where to go, at that point I have experienced my Savior, my He...
Rani Dhanraj is wife, mother & grandmother. She has been blessed with 7 children and 9 grandkids & counting. She is a woman of Faith, who through her experiences of life,has been an encouragement to many women especially mothers. She quit her job as a staff nurse, to be a stay at home mother to raise up her children in the fear of the Lord, teaching and training them to be faithful disciples of Christ. She is an ardent reader, She also enjoys cooking and gardening.