Greetings to all my dear sisters and mothers! She said “This is not possible with us, but with the one who is above” The Chief doctor who did not know about our God exclaimed, raised her hands towards the heavens and testified about my healing and acknowledged the one and only God. The last scan report came back with no trace of any cancer cells in my body. I praise God for the complete healing and good health that I am enjoying because of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who healed me completely. I would like to extend my gratitude in thanking everyone who prayed for me and is praying for my good health. God’s Grace: “All about God’s grace which is sufficient for us all the time” is what I would like to share in this article. I was reading about Mother Teresa of Kolkata, when she was honored by an organization in America. There was a man in the audience who made some obscene comment about Mother Teresa. The engaged audience moved towards that man to put him...
Rani Dhanraj is wife, mother & grandmother. She has been blessed with 7 children and 9 grandkids & counting. She is a woman of Faith, who through her experiences of life,has been an encouragement to many women especially mothers. She quit her job as a staff nurse, to be a stay at home mother to raise up her children in the fear of the Lord, teaching and training them to be faithful disciples of Christ. She is an ardent reader, She also enjoys cooking and gardening.