Tis Grace & Grace alone! Let us run with endurance the race that is before us.

Greetings to all my dear sisters and mothers!

She said “This is not possible with us, but with the one who is above” The Chief doctor who did not know about our God exclaimed, raised her hands towards the heavens and testified about my healing and acknowledged the one and only God. The last scan report came back with no trace of any cancer cells in my body. I praise God for the complete healing and good health that I am enjoying because of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who healed me completely. I would like to extend my gratitude in thanking everyone who prayed for me and is praying for my good health.

God’s Grace:
“All about God’s grace which is sufficient for us all the time” is what I would like to share in this article. I was reading about Mother Teresa of Kolkata, when she was honored by an organization in America. There was a man in the audience who made some obscene comment about Mother Teresa. The engaged audience moved towards that man to put him out. But Mother Teresa calmed the assembly and said graciously, "But for the grace of God" She said further that could have been me but for the grace of God. It’s true that even the most virtuous among us are what we are, purely because of the grace of God.

So then, what really is this "grace of God"? Why is it so important in our life? There are many definitions for grace. In a simple form, Grace is a supernatural gift God bestows on those who are humble before Him. We see in James 4:6 “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” When we receive this grace it changes  our lives and helps us to see our situations through the wisdom of God. He says He will help us go through any struggles through His grace. All it takes is for us to humble ourselves, receive this gift and listen to His divine voice saying to us : My grace is sufficient for all your needs my dear daughter. I've heard him say that to me many times. 

I heard a story about a man praying in the middle of the sea where his boat had been hit by a rock, he prayed this prayer "Lord please remove this rock as I’m not able to move forward" God spoke to him and said, "Son, I’m not going to remove the rock but I’ll raise the water, so you can sail through easily" That’s grace. Many times we pray asking God to remove the problem that we are facing, remove the person who is troubling us etc. But our Father in heaven says "I’ll give you the grace my dear and so you will be able to manage it by my grace"  Isn't that amazing !!


The second point that I would like to explain is endurance.  We often give up easily and are unable to tolerate circumstances in our life, for example family, work, health issues etc. Whatever your situation may be, we should ask God to give us endurance. Mathew 24:13 says “He who endures till the end shall be saved”

Hardships come through various forms : sickness, burdensome work, broken relationships, loss of a loved one, persecution of one’s faith etc. These are all forms of hardships. To endure is more than just continuing to exist in the same manner as before the suffering began. We should not respond to this kind of situations with bitterness, anger or retaliation. That is not endurance.                               
As the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 – "These kinds of suffering produces virtues such as endurance, Godly character and lively hope.’ So let us endure it dear mothers till Jesus comes. Ecclesiastes 7:8 says “Finishing is better than starting, patience is better than pride,” The Oxford dictionary translates ' endurance ' as : “The ability to continue something painful or difficult for a long period of time without complaining.” Another definition is having patience and perseverance.

This also refers to endurance in sports activities, like marathons. Athletes must endure till the end. In life situations we tend to give up easily,  but let us not give up, because with God’s help we can overcome and finish the race.

I heard a story of a man, who started to run a 100 mile marathon, he ran 99 miles and did not run one mile to finish the race, and instead he ran 99 miles backward. How foolish isn't it?  Sometimes we are like this, we are almost at the finish line but we give up and we end up discouraged, depressed, self-pitying and self-righteousness etc. Satan takes the glory.  Dear mothers, let us pray that God will give us grace to endure and wisdom to handle difficult situations. When it comes to our families we need endurance. We will finish the race with joy and give God the glory. It’s easy to think that the fastest and the strongest get the best in life.

But life is strange, it doesn’t always guarantee success. Often it is consistency and perseverance (endurance) that makes all the difference.
-Keep pressing on, you will make progress with each step you take. Sometimes when we remember the evil that others have done to us , we tend to forget the goodness of others, and this hinders our endurance. 

Like Joseph we should try to remember the good and not the evil, by enduring we will win our battle, I heard a Pastor preaching about forgetfulness, he said forgetting is more difficult than remembering. let us be joyful throughout our life of endurance. We have a God who knows us and all our struggles and He will help us , He will give us grace to endure and to finish the race victoriously, and there is a reward waiting for us, and we are almost there so never give up and endure till the end.

There’s a chorus which I used to sing when my children were small. Now my grandson sings it very nicely with action. The chorus goes like this :

The time to be happy is now,
The place to be happy is here ( with our families )
And the way to be happy is to make someone happy 
And we'll have a little heaven right down
God bless you all.

My prayers for all my dear sisters and mothers.

A Happy Mother's Day to each one of you dear Mothers! 


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