Just One Word and one touch from our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ

Wishing you a very Happy Women's Day!!

My dearest Mothers, grandmothers and beloved sisters, I send you all my warmest, most loving greetings! I hope with all my heart that you’re doing well, wrapped in God’s tender grace. I’m feeling so blessed and doing wonderfully, thanks to your sweet prayers that lift me up every day.

Last year on Nov 15th, I celebrated my 70th birthday—what a precious gift from God that was! So many of you, my dear ones from near and far, have prayed for my healing, and I can’t tell you how deeply thankful I am for each of you. Every morning, I lift my heart in gratitude to God for the treasure of your love. As we go through this year together, let’s look to God for His love and kindness, cherishing every moment He gives us.

Lately, I’ve been meditating on the beauty of one word and one touch from our loving God. The Bible is full of stories where just one word or one touch from Him brought miracles to people’s lives. Oh, sweet mothers, one word from God can shift everything! His word is so powerful, so full of love and life. All we need—and all our precious children need—is just one whisper and one touch from His heart.

That touch, dear ones, can change our lives forever. When I went through my surgery, I found myself in such pain that night. In my heart, I knew I could call out to my Father in Heaven, I whispered His name, and oh, how I felt His gentle touch! The pain slipped away, and a sweet, new strength filled me. The Bible promises us in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call unto me in the days of trouble, and I will deliver you.” A dear friend once said that’s God’s phone number—always there, always open, ready to hear us no matter where we are. His touch is so special, and He’s still reaching out with love today.

Let’s wrap our children in prayer, asking that they feel His mighty, loving touch and hear His soft voice calling, “Today is the day of salvation.” Think of the centurion in the Bible, who said with such trust, “Just speak a word, and my servant will be healed.” Let’s hold that same tender faith, dear mothers, and pray, “Lord, please whisper one word, and my son, my daughter, will find your salvation.” God hears every beat of our hearts, and He’ll answer us with His unfailing love. To do this, we must stay close to Him, anchored in His care. Our quiet strength comes from resilience and a confident trust in Him. 

Isaiah 30:15 reminds us, “In quietness and trust is your strength.” Yes, my dear ones, let’s trust that God will cradle our children in His arms and draw them near to our Savior. Let’s pray with patience and grace, holding them up in constant prayer with all our hearts.

One word from God—one word of hope and love from our precious Jesus—can light up our children’s lives. Let’s pray they stay safe from the world’s storms, their eyes fixed on Jesus and His word. May they rise above the mess of life and seek Him with all their hearts. “Lord, please touch them once,” we pray, “and give them Your word to guide their every step.”

One word, one touch from God can work wonders in our children’s lives. Sometimes, when our prayers seem unanswered, it’s hard, isn’t it? But instead of doubting, let’s rest in His love, knowing it’s deeper and wider than our own. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding. When we place children in His hands, He’ll guide their paths straight. That trust can feel heavy, but with the Holy Spirit filling us, it becomes a sweet surrender.

A mother’s quiet prayers for her children are so powerful. Sometimes we can’t change them, and that’s okay. We can love them just as they are, offering grace and an understanding heart, instead of judgment. This doesn’t mean we overlook what harms them, but we meet them with humility, knowing they’re on their own journey. Love isn’t about holding tight—it’s about showing compassion, so they see our God’s gentle, caring heart too.

Oh, dear mothers, get away with God. Be real with Him, pour out your heart, and ask Him to come into our children’s hearts and be their Lord and Savior. He’s waiting for the quiet prayers we carry deep inside. Come face-to-face with Jesus, and I promise, He’ll transform us and our Children, with His love. He’ll bring the right person or friend to guide them toward Him.

Don’t let doubt creep in, my precious sisters. Our God is so great, so good. He’ll watch over our children; He will guard our children, and he will set them free from everything that dishonour God.

let’s pray together with Hope, so we will proclaim His mighty works to others so they too can be set free.

Blessings and love in Christ

Rani Dhanraj


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