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My Son and Me

My beloved son Vijay Peter Dhanraj went home to be with the Lord Jesus on 18th Sept, 2018. Its been 2 years.....

So today with a heavy heart I am writing about my son Vijay and me. Indeed it was a real joy to have a son like Vijay. As he was growing up, it was like having Jesus in our home.

Never once I remember him saying no to anything we asked him to do. He was a very obedient son. Early in his life he took on the responsibilities of the family. 

I remember one time when he was about 4 years old, I had to stay awake taking care of one of my other sons who was a baby, at that time,Vijay was sitting up coughing, I got up to bring water,Vijay told me, mummy you sit with the baby I'll go get it myself. He is very thoughtful of other’s need. He was hardworking, sincere, faithful & honest. He was a such a blessing wherever God took him.

He never asked anything for himself even things like food, clothes, toys etc., he never got what he liked, when he was growing up, he gave up many things for his siblings. He lived his life for his family till the end of his life. He always put God first in his life and made time for his family and ensured he spent quality time with each one. He valued the little cards and hand written notes his nieces and nephews would send him on his birthdays and preserved and appreciated them whenever he got to meet them. He honored and respected us his parents and took every effort to take care of us in every possible way. 

When he left to Germany on work for the very first time, it was a very sad day for me because I didn't want any of my children to leave home, but God has different plans for their lives. When he invited us to Germany, he was very proud to introduce us to his German friends and colleagues, they were amazed at the way he conducted himself. Many of them thanked us saying they were fortunate to have him in their Church. The Pastor of his Church told us he was a good example for all the young people in their Church. He helped many young people when they needed any practical help or anything concerning their work, Vijay was always ready to help them. He served as a youth leader and one of the last topics he was preparing to speak was titled "Why does God allow His children to suffer" His devotion and love for the Lord was strong and unshakable. He loved the Lord Jesus wholeheartedly and always put Him first in His life. Even in the midst of so many things that happened in his life, His faith and love for the Lord was unshakable. He ran his race well and finished well. and I know he has heard the words of our Lord Jesus say to him,"Well done my good and faithful son"

He never saw tears in my eyes during his life on earth for the past 36 yrs, but he left me in tears till I meet him, as I hold firm to the words of Jesus who said “ He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, there will be no more death or mourning, or crying nor pain for the old order of things has passed away - Revelation 21:4 (NIV)

For am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, not anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord - Romans 8:38-39 (NIV). 



  1. I'm glad I had the privilege of knowing him as my best friend on earth. He was a God fearing man who loved the Lord and valued righteousness. He has admonished and encouraged me several times during my adolescent years and helped me live my life sacrificially for the Lord and His Church. The testimony of his life lives on. Praise God!

    Only one life,’twill soon be past,
    Only what’s done for Christ will last.

    Thank you aunty for this wonderful post. I was really blessed, encouraged and challenged reading it.

  2. Praise God Aunty... for this beautiful article about Vijay. I would have met Vijay only once yet his character and nature did speak volumes to me. Uncle and you were among the first few people I got acquainted with since my marriage and your lives have always been a sweet fragrance. Please do continue to write so that we could be blessed!
    Love, Jesse Silas

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Such a beautiful blog Aunty
    Vijay used to take Sunday School for me and I remember thinking to myself how meek, soft-spoken and humble he was. Such an amazing Godly testimony he has left behind him for us to look up too

  5. Thanks for sharing Aunty..!
    He lived a life so simple, yet impactful and finished his race. What a testimony..!

    I'm sure this is Vijay's song to us... "Wish you were here..."

  6. I thank God for the privilege of growing up as Vijay's younger sister. The life he has lived is a challenge for all of us to live like him. It's like Vijay saying "Follow me as I followed Christ". Vijay has reached his destination, but ours is still on. I long for the day when Jesus will return and take His bride home and that's when I shall see Vijay too. What a wonderful day that will be. I praise God for his life and miss him so much.


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