
Its wonderful to share on another very important topic with you all - Prayer

Prayer is very important in our life, its like breathing. It gives us life, just like air gives freshness to our body, prayer gives life to our soul.

Prayer is having conversation with our Heavenly Father. I love talking to my father. I can talk to him on any subject. He never tells me it's boring, or He’s busy or alright that's enough, He always listens, He tells me go head you can tell me all you want, I'm listening. Isn’t that amazing, that’s our Father in heaven.

I consider it, an awesome feeling when I talk to my father in heaven. There are some prayers our Heavenly Father hears and answers immediately and some take time, and still a few prayers he may never give you an answer here on this side of Eternity, because he knows what's best for you and me.

There's special place for a woman’s prayers in the Bible. Like Hannah prayed for Children God heard, The widow cried to Jesus, He raised her son and gave him back to her. The Shunamite woman whose son died and the prophet Elisha prayed to God and it was answered and she received her son back. Always there's an answer for mothers prayers, it never goes unheard. So we have to pray constantly pray for our need and for our children. I've read an article on prayer, it says when you kneel down to pray remember that God puts everything at your disposal. The problem is Satan will never let you pray, he will let you read your bible, lets you witness, lets you sing and listen to gospel songs etc. but he doesn't let you pray because he knows when we kneel down his kingdom is broken and distorted, so we have to be aware of his tactics.

Let's pray first then focus on other things. The more we pray the more we get closer to our father.

Never ever give up on prayer.

Always remain in a spirit of prayer for our children, we will see them growing spiritually and blessed by God, that's my experience.

I love prayer, what about you my dear sister, daughter and friends,

Come lets go to our Father in prayer!

For the glory of the Lord.



  1. Thank you aunty. After reading this, I have realised that lately I have stopped breathing spiritually. I have relied on my own strength and not on the Lord. Grateful to the Lord for you, for He has used you to open my eyes to my real condition because He has not given up on me. Thank you again, aunty. You have blessed my life so much and I praise God for this new ministry that He has given you to lift up others in the Lord. God bless you aunty. Love you.

  2. So blessed by this simple yet strong article. After reading it today, I began judging my lifestyle at home. Was I really seeking to have fellowship with my Heavenly Father or was I being Martha busy and anxious about many things in my life. As a wife and mother, I have been going through a lot of struggles yet how foolish of me that having my Saviour besides me .. ready to unload all of my burdens upon Himself... I was simply carrying them on my shoulders all this while.
    Thank you for writing this article Aunty. Keep up the good work.


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