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Tips for Mothers - Part 1

Original Post written & published on August 24, 2020

Well, I have been contemplating for a long time to write and share my experiences and tips to help mothers as they navigate through the journey of motherhood.

Firstly, let me tell you, it's an awesome feeling to be a mother. It's a great gift from God. Many want to become but they cannot . We have to value that gift, which is one of the greatest gift in the whole world. No man can give, no other God can give, except the Lord Jesus Christ, because the Bible says "The fruit of the womb is His reward"

So let me acknowledge that I've been blessed with seven children in the space of ten years.

I have been blessed with 3 beautiful girls and 4 handsome boys who are all born again disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and are blessed mightily by the Lord in more ways than I can express and for that I give all the glory to God. I am a blessed Mother. Here is a picture of my family taken on Jan, 2018.

Children are gift from God as the bible says .We mothers should not take it for granted. We have to value them more than anything in the whole world, that's exactly what I did, the time we spend with them matters much more than gifts and money etc. Never tell your children "Now I'm busy come afterwards, they may not come again, that may be the last time, We have to touch our children as many times as we can, I have read someone said 14times a day we have to touch our children. Pat their back or ruffle their hair, let them know you care and so that touch matters to them. It works like magic. Only when you love someone you touch isn't it? 

Heard a true story of a mother who delivered twins, one twin died after delivery so the doctor brought the dead baby and showed her the baby before giving it to the relatives to bury. The mother said please give the baby, let me hold it for sometime. The mother put that child on her chest for sometime and she cried for that child. It was a girl baby, after few minutes the baby started moving and started to breath. That's the power of the touch of a mother, so what I'm trying to insist here is touch your children as many times as you can.

When a baby is sick especially, when they have cold and fever, you put them on your chest, either mother or father can place the baby on your chest, baby's cold will melt because of your body heat which no medicine can do.

Please hug your children often and whenever they are needed, very soon they'll grow and they don't want you to touch them, so all these physical contacts will develop good relationship between child and mother, which will last long, even when they grow older they'll remember and they will cherish that memory.

I would now like to tell you some tips on disciplining our children, one way is to talk to your children when they are having a meal alone with you. Cook something that they like and talk to them while they are enjoying their meal, mouth is busy ears are opened, it will work.
Sometimes we feel they are not listening when we mothers say something especially when they are in teens, they seem to ignore our advice, don't worry ears are opened it will work, if not right away definitely later.

Never give up. Have faith in God, in the Lord Jesus. We have to pray always for our children. Not once in a day, ALWAYS; while cooking, washing or working in the office, etc.,
Prayer is the best weapon ,we can use to bring our children back on the track in which they are supposed to run to achieve the goal God has set for them.

I'm not an expert mother but a mother who still wants to learn and encourage others on this journey. May God bless you all. Looking forward to sharing more in the coming weeks

Until next time...

In His Love


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