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Tips for Mothers - Part 2

 Original Post published on Sept 2, 2020

Yes again I repeat its an amazing feeling to be a mother.

Whenever my children calls me mummy, I feel elated in my spirit, I love to hear it again and again, because very soon they'll grow up and leave home either to study or for a new job or they will get married and leave your home, then you will not hear that beautiful voice again so let's enjoy their presence when they are at home growing up doing all kind of naughty little things making a noise etc. I always love to have my children at home when they were growing up. Never once I felt they are troublesome or a nuisance. We enjoyed their presence always.

Children are active only to a certain age .They will  calm down, their innocent behavior might disturb our sleep,work etc so dear 
mothers it will all disappear once they reach a certain age, so let's give our time to our children now and when we get old they will give their time to us. 

Never complain about your children to others, rather you should defend your children before others even when our children have done something wrong, I learnt this from Jesus when he defended his disciples few times before pharisees, what they did what was wrong according to the law, Jesus always defended his disciples, but also make sure you admonish and instruct them when they are alone with you and always encourage them, because there are lots and lots of pharisees around us who will find fault with our children, if we don't speak  for them who else will understand and stand with them?

Let's also get to know our children's friends. We need to take time to find out what kind of friends they have, its very important, because the Bible says bad company corrupts good morals - 1 Corinthians 15:33.  Its true however  much we have taught them good values in life their friends can undo it, if we are not careful about this aspect of their lives. 

I've read a statistic about the influences of friends on our children, It has been said 70% is their friends, only remaining 30% is our influence. So we have to be very careful and constantly pray for our children that they will not get influenced by bad company.

Another important thing I want to mention here for mothers  is to be on our guard against Satan and his schemes. Present day technology can distract us and  sometimes it takes us away from our devotion to our Lord.

Let's be honest and humble  before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and pray for our children. In his last message before going to the cross, Jesus told us mothers, "don't weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children". He knows what difficult times are ahead, so we have to weep and pray for our children. As I said earlier that a Mother's prayers are always answered, that's my testimony.

Let's together be united and pray for each other and for our children with burden.

May God bless each one of you & your families.

love in Christ! 


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