Tips for Mothers - Part 3

Greetings to you once again my dear mothers,

sharing a few more tips and encouragement on our journey of motherhood, I pray the Lord bless and encourage your hearts.

Once again, I want to encourage all the mothers, that we are pre-selected and fortunate to be called mother or mummy. Let’s enjoy it.

Coming to the point of bringing up our children for God is not difficult dear mothers, if we have God on our side, The Bible says children are gift from God then why will he not help us to preserve this gift whom he gave us. We have to ask him to give us wisdom and patience, to help our children. We have to be firm and at the same time, we also have to be gentle when we speak to them, especially when they are in their teens.

I've read an article by William booth who wrote about raising up godly children, and it was something to this effect, when your children ask something, please don't give it to them at once, make them wait for at least one day, through this they'll learn to wait. It’s a very important life lesson for our kids. In our home when my kids were growing up, they had to wait not one but many days for even essentials like a pen or pencil, geometry box etc as we could not afford to buy it immediately and it helped our children to rely more on the Lord than us.

William booth also writes “avoid sending your children to others houses, keep them with you so that they are protected staying with you, than with your neighbors or friends.

We should always be intentional about having a healthy and positive conversation with our children, I’m not saying talking about the Bible always, but something that will help them in their day to day lives.

I am reminded of a verse in the Bible, which is one of my favourite, It is from Ecclesiastes 11:6, It says plant your seed in the morning, and in the evening, you don't know which one will grow, perhaps everything, so we have to keep on sowing good seed, one day it will all bring good harvest.

We should not get tired of talking to them and praying for our children.

Praying for our children is like breathing. Always we should keep them in our thoughts and mind, because the world is very evil and our children are surrounded by it, and our prayer is a mighty weapon which can keep them safe.

I used to pray all the time for my children, sometimes in the middle of the night when the babies are asleep, I used to kneel down to pray because I never had time during the day, during those early years, neither did I have a room or closet, when everyone is asleep, that becomes my room.

Dear mothers we have to bring up our children for the Lord. That’s the responsibility God has entrusted to us mothers. In the Bible it says, The Egyptian Princess tells Moses’s mother, “bring up this child for me, I'll pay you your wages” similarly God is urging us to do it for him.

This is hard work and costs us a lot of our time and plenty of inconveniences, but let’s trust God to help us and He is right there with us through His grace and strength for each day.

Let us pray dear mothers, we can bring up our children for God.

Sending my love to each one of you reading this, until next time.


  1. Thank you aunty. This post has blessed me tremendously. The point where your mentioned that God has entrusted His children to us asking us to bring them up for Him really opened my eyes. Lately I have been losing my patience with my children. Just as the the Egyptian Princess promised to pay Moses' mother her wages, God's wages to us for bringing up His children will be GRACE, WISDOM, PATIENCE, etc. The life you have lived, bringing up your 7 children, is a huge blessing to me. Much to learn from you. Do continue to bless us with your life testimonies. I thank God for you, aunty. 🥰

  2. Yes definitely. Words of Wisdom from a Godly and Experienced Woman. Do continue to write Aunty it would such a blessing and encouragement to young people like me.


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