Many of you might have heard this phrase, "Faith laughs at impossibilities.". Yes indeed, it does. Faith is a gift from God, All of us should have this gift. The Bible often speaks about faith. Jesus said if you have faith like a mustard seed you can move a mountain. A little bit of faith is enough to solve all our problem, that's what the bible says but that's the difficult part. Many times we add faith with money, influence, our intelligence etc. That doesn't work, then we begin to doubt our faith. Faith is only trusting God and God alone. In my experience many, many times I've come to that place. God in his Sovereign way helped me in fact delivered me from various problems and he met my need in a miraculous way. Many times my children were sick, we had no medicine and no money to go to doctors, but I had faith in my Savior and healer, He has HEALED. Even for spiritual healing on our children, have faith God will heal them and bring them back to him and to us.
If you have faith you don't need fear anything. The greatest weapon one should always have is FAITH. We can use faith, anytime and anywhere. That's the password to receive anything from our Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says you ask anything in faith you'll get it. Anything on earth and in heaven, all we need to have is that password called Faith. Not difficult dear sister to have faith. The Bible says just ask and say Lord help my unbelief. Unbelief is opposite of faith. So let's ask our father in heaven give us that faith that Mary had, just sit at the feet of Jesus, he'll give us faith to trust him and exercise our faith to bring him all the glory he deserves.
Let's together pray and ask for that faith that moves the mountain in our life. All things are possible when we ask in faith.
Yes we can do it dear Sister!
God bless you all.
Thank you dearest aunty. This is where I find myself stuck at many times. I will have everything except faith. Then I'd hold my fingers together as though holding a mustard seed and I'd ask the Lord to give me faith that much for a start to get me going. And I've seen wonders happen when I just blindly trust my Saviour, my face in the dust, on the ground flat before him with hands opened in full surrender. The Lord is a wonderful God who expects faith so little from us and when we run to Him for help He fills is to the brim with no more want in us. Thank you again for your encouraging words. This is a constant everyday need that you have reminded me about. Love you and uncle so much.