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A Mother's Love

Love - A Mother's Love

Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

     God has blessed us with another precious gift, we have been blessed to welcome our 6th Grandchild, every good and  perfect gift comes from above and we warmly welcome Ezekiel Vijay Dhanraj into our family. God is good! His Love endures forever. 

     I really hope what I've written has helped some of you, once again I want to remind you all as I want to stress, I'm not an expert in anything, the little I know and practiced, and some that I have read, I am sharing with you all, I trust it will encourage you.  

     Today I'm going to share a few lines about A Mothers Love. To be honest dear mothers there is no better love than Gods love, who gave himself for us as a ransom. God says He will give Nations in exchange for your life  (Isaiah 43:4) that's about you and for me. How awesome isn't it? Our Heavenly father compares his love to a mother.

     The Bible says A mother may forget her only nursing child but I will not forget you, oh how beautiful is His love - Amazing. No dictionary in the world can explain this love.
     Our love for our children is next to God's love. As God gave himself for us, we have to give ourself to our children .This should be unconditional and sacrificial. Sometimes we may have to give up our jobs, our likes, our comfort and many many things. but ultimately the more you sacrifice the more fruits you can expect. Hard work pays.

     I've read an article about an 18 year old boy who wrote an article to his mother on mothers day it goes like this "Mummy if I have to pay you one penny for the work you've done till now from the time I was born you would have been richer than Bill Gates." Yes that's the truth. More than anything else as Christian Godly mothers, our desire for our children is that they should live for God and honor his name wherever they live. Therefore we should pray earnestly without giving up. Things may not look good now, but never give up dear mothers keep praying.

     My prayers for my children got answered  after  many years some of them, I had faith one day  my God and my father will answer .

     Many years ago, I read a true story of a young mother who was widowed at an early age, she had a son. She was a good God fearing mother, brought up this son in a godly way as long as he lived with her and as time went by, he grew up, joined bad company and left home when he was in his early twenties. His Mother was very heartbroken, sad and lonely, but she had faith that one day her son will turn to the Lord. She kept praying all the time, while washing dishes, folding clothes, while cooking et., months passed, years passed, but no sign of her son. She told the Lord everyday - "Lord, before I leave this earth please save my son and let my eyes see him" She grew old and weak. One day the people in her community were all going to attend a very big public meeting, they called this mother to go along with them, She didn't want to go, because couldn't hear and see properly, but they insisted she go along with them and so finally she went. To her surprise that day she could see and hear a bit more clearly. Everyone was excited to hear this preacher, because he was new to the town, a very good preacher, they were told. To everyone surprise this mother started crying with joy because that was her very own son on the stage preaching. She was overjoyed and thanked God for answering her prayers. Thats our father, who hears our prayers and answers us in an amazing way, more than we ask or think.

     So dear mothers God loves us and he hears us. He knows all the struggles we go through, he is with us, Let us in return love our Master and our Saviour. Commit our Children into God's hand everyday.

Let's have faith like a mustard seed to move our mountain like Struggles and difficulties.
He will meet our need because his love is Supreme, supernatural.

 He is with us against all our foes. Let's remain in love and pray for one another.

Much Love 

The Lord bless and be with you all! 


  1. Many times when my son misbehaves or rebels, I discipline him, but within me, I would have given up hope on him. I pray but now I realise that my prayer was not a desperate cry to the Lord. Just like the mother who constantly prayed for years together this her son with ceasing, I am encouraged to pray for my LOs. The Lord will meet my need. Amen. Thank you for sharing this, aunty. 🥰😘


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