About Myself - A Glimpse & a little grateful reflection on God's faithfulness

Greetings to all dear mothers! 

Well this note is about me dear mothers as I will be turning 66 in a few days, I thought I will reflect a bit about my life and share a few insights with you all and trust it will be a blessing. 

I was born to a wonderful Christian whole hearted God fearing mother and an extremely kind, loving and humble Hindu father. I was told by my mother that, theirs was a love marriage, but it was my mother who by her life brought my father to Salvation in Jesus Christ!  Although my father had not attended any formal schooling he had a Ph D degree in Humility. I am yet to come across someone like my father, a little bit of him I've seen in my eldest son Vijay, whom God in His mercy took him to himself.

Married for 44yrs, blessed with a good husband and loving 7 Children, 4 boys and 3 girls. Our family was a very happy family. I felt like none of my children were disobedient, rebellious and stubborn although they think Mom is being too kind and generous overlooking or covering them with her love. But it was very easy for us to bring them up because they co-operated & obeyed us as God's word commands children to obey their parents & it has gone well with every one of them & the Lord continues to show His favor & faithful love. God's promises never fail. 

Life has its own struggles and obstacles .We didn't have a very comfortable life with just one income, but we had a community of believers who stood with us and helped us in many ways. I had a very dear friend, she was much younger  to me in age, but was much more mature in the Lord. She often  helped me and encouraged me many  times when I was down. Thank god  for such Angels God provides. Her mum was my prayer partner.    

For more than 30 yrs and still continues to be my strong support and has stood with me through the ups and downs of life. Once a week we would meet and pray for an hour for my needs and for my children. God heard her prayers and answered. Even now she prays for my children & our family. We are blessed to have such wonderful & precious people in our lives. May God bless her mightily. 

Dear Mothers, praying with someone whom you agree matters a lot. The Bible says where two or three agree and ask anything God will give, Its a promise. We can claim it. (Matthew 18:20) 

Earlier I had mentioned about obstacles, it's inevitable part of life, that we can expect at any point of our life, but we must be prepared to face them, not with our strength, only with God's help and the help of the Holy Spirit, I have been able  to come through lots of hurdles and obstacles. With the help of my father in heaven was able to cross over. God is bigger than all our obstacles and our hurdles.

Giving up my son Vijay was big struggle in my life, God sent some genuinely concerned beloved brothers and sisters, who lifted me from rock bottom that I was about to sink, God sent them in my life, it was indeed a gift to me. I will always remain eternally thankful to God and to them.

The Oxford dictionary defines Trust as " The firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability of someone or something" 

whom do we put our trust dear mothers? 

My trust and reliability was only in my Heavenly Father, never once he let me down because my trust was only on Him, He is the only trustworthy person we can put all our trust. 

We should never get discouraged, Satan's easy target is to get us discouraged. I once read a fictional story of a brother who visits Satan's store room. He had lots of bags full of different kinds of seeds that he uses to target believers, like envy, jealousy, anger etc, so this brother saw all the bags were relatively full and one bag was empty, so he asked Satan why this was empty? Satan said "this is what I use the most for believers, because once they are discouraged, then they'll backslide, that's how I get them"

I was tempted to get discouraged many times in my life, but with God's mercy, my father in heaven helped me overcome. My dear mothers never get discouraged and get into self pity. 

Let us go to our Father in heaven, who will bring us out of all kinds of problems, small or big. Our God  is bigger than any problem we face in the world.

Nothing is impossible with God if we believe. 

I am living testimony for you to believe. If He can do it for me, He will do it for you too. 

Lets pray and ask God's guidance and leading in the years to come in my life and in all your life too. Praying for you all. 


  1. Really an encouraging & challenging testimony! Praise God!


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