A personal Relationship with God, our Father in Heaven.

Loving Greetings to all mothers in the Name of our  Lord Jesus Christ! I trust and pray all of you all are doing well. 

Today let's meditate on a personal relationship with our Father in heaven. It's something that brings about a sense of being loved, because he says in his word, I am yours and you are Mine. We should own that phrase. I personally love that phrase, who can be more loving than our Heavenly Father? 

Personal relationship means, it is only between you and the person you love the most. He is always available for you. He'll  do anything for you, provided it is according to his will and it honours his Name.

I love my Heavenly Father more than anyone and anything else in the  world, that's because of what he did for me on the cross, Therefore we can come boldly with confidence, to open our hearts to him and let him have absolute control of our life. Sometimes we try to do things on our own or with the help of someone or with our own intelligent ideas, it doesn't work. If we're in a personal relationship with our father we are a special people, we can tell him all that we need. He will do it for us. Many many times I was in that place, didn't know what to do and where to go for help, my father always comes and asks me, Am I not here to help you? won't you ask me? 

I heard a story of a young boy who went for a walk with his dad. On their way they came across a big piece of wood that blocked their path. They couldn't go further, so the son said, "Dad, you sit here, I'll go and ask someone to help, remove this wood" He walked across and tried asking many people who were on the other side, but sadly none of them could help him. He came back feeling dissapointed, then his dad said to him "Son you asked everyone except me, come now let's move it & they moved the log and walked on. That story has stuck with me and oftentimes a reminder of how we think we can fix our problems, we ask our friends, our relatives, our parents, our elders or even technology like Google, while our father is sitting and watching & waiting, when will we ask him? Let's ask him for help. He is ready to help us, no matter how big or small our problem.The Sunday School song all of us know " My God is so big so strong and so mighty there's nothing my God cannot do.

My Father has solved all my problems in a way that no human being can solve. That's our Heavenly Father. When you are in that personal relationship, before you call, He will come. That's what the bible says before you call, I'll answer you. Isaiah 65:24(NIV) we can tell him anything small or big. He cares for us. 

The next very important matter is how much we trust him.  I once observed a little girl, she was around 12 yrs old, came to  her father after Sunday meeting and put her bag with the bible and her book everything and hung it on her father's shoulder and walked away, Her father called her and asked what's this? I was amazed to hear this little girl's answer to her father , that's your problem Dad, you carry it, the loving father smiled at her. It was so good to watch the father-daughter relationship. That's how it should be with us dear mothers. Put everything on our fathers shoulder, He will take care with a smile but we need to be connected with our father intimately. That little girl  had such confidence that her dad can. So also can your heavenly Father. He will never disappoint us if our concerns are according to His will. The Bible says  "Is anything difficult for me". Let's remind ourselves, nothing is difficult for our Heavenly Father. In the world they say inter-personal relationship. Get to know everything about the other person, why not about our father in heaven. As much we know him, we can experience him, He knows all about us. 

Let's have that intimate love relationship with our father, Lets tune our ears to hear that gentle voice that says, I am yours and you are mine. I've heard it many times, even now I can hear him. We need to get rid of all the other unwanted voices which makes us discouraged, depressed etc. Let's move closer to God, so you'll hear that lovely gentle whisper, you are mine, I am with you, do not worry, stay calm, I'll take care, cast all your care,  cast all your cares upon me. 

What else do we need, the Creator of the  universe is my Dad. He can stop the sun for Joshua, change the time for King Hezakaiah, much much more He can do for you and me. He can help you walk through life with strength & courage as He supplies all your needs & walks alongside you every moment of every day. 

I wish and pray that all of us will have that personal relationship and  be blessed by our Heavenly Father .


  1. Amen... Thank you so so so much for this encouraging post. Much blessed by this. I felt I was seeking everyone's help while my Heavenly Father waited patiently for me to run to Him for help. God bless you in this silent ministry and may many many others be blessed by you. I love you loads aunty.


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