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Do Not Fear

Greetings to all my dear Moms and all who are reading this. 

Today let's talk a little about fear. There are different kind of fear, for example fear of people, fear of future, fear of sickness, or even fear of death, as we are in the midst of this present Coronavirus pandemic and circumstances etc. The word of God in the Bible says often; Do not fear. That means Not to fear anything. A few years back I was very much afraid of certain people. Though I've not done anything wrong but still I was afraid, but my father in heaven kept telling me "Do not fear" Someone counted the number of  times, this phrase "Do not fear" was recorded in the bible ,it is 365 times, that means everyday God is telling us don't fear. God knows it's very important subject in our life. 

Fear makes us  feel very small before people or before any situation. Boldness and confident is the opposite of fear. In all matters concerning us, as mothers we should be confident, and remember we can do do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Let come what may, our father is with us, together we can face any challenge. The Bible says we are a weaker vessel, so we have a natural tendency to fear, instead we ought to have A godly fear. Fear of man brings a snare. In one translation it says fearing people is a dangerous trap. But trusting the Lord means safety - Proverbs 29:25. So my dear mothers, If God is with us who can come against us.

When my children were growing up I feared about how would I bring them up without all the worldly influences etc, but when God met me one day and said you can't do it alone, I'll be with you. Amazingly he did a fantastic work among them, All glory to God. Jesus often said this strong word to his disciples "Do not fear." Its a very comforting to hear when some one says don't fear I'm with you. That's what Jesus is telling you and me today, do not fear, I am with you.

Fear makes you feel smaller as I said earlier but it also makes you feel like slave to someone or something. when the British were ruling India they taught us to call them SIR. The real meaning of sir I read it says, SLAVE I REMAIN - (SIR) They kept us like slaves for many years as history tells us.Next time when you call someone sir, remember this is what it means.

 Yes in fact when we fear someone we feel we are a slave to them, that's been my experience, I felt like that when I feared certain people. Praise God he has set me free, free to live in the Fear of God alone. Free to love & serve Him fearlessly. 

When Jesus met Mary after His resurrection, the first word, He said to Mary was "Do not fear"

So today, He is telling you and  me do not fear, I am with you. When Jesus is with us, we have no reason to be afraid of anyone. 

The next thing we often tend to do, is to worry. Fear and Worry are very closely united, so if we fear we tend  to worry, concerning various situations, what will happen? when will? and how? God knows about it, that's why Jesus says do not worry and do not be anxious. 

I've read about sixty percent of people in world are stressed. Its a present day modified term for worry, but we being chosen by our Heavenly Father, we should not be in that category. 

We are being called to represent God to this world. why should we worry, fear or be stressed, when our Heavenly Father says "Fear not or be not anxious" because our father is with us. He will give us that boldness to live and help us along way to bring up our children as true disciples for him. He will help us and guide us and build  us together with our family, this year and the coming year. 

May his presence be with us all the time so that we can hear that gentle voice.

Do not fear I am with you all the time, now and henceforth.

God bless you all dear mothers. 


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