Wishing you all A Joyful and Glorious 2021

New Year's Greetings from me in this new and blessed year 2021 to all the dear mothers and sisters who read this article.

  I wish you all a joyful year ahead. Usually we greet each other saying "Happy New Year" but that doesn't sound good dear mothers, happiness stays  only for a short while but Joy stays long. Happiness is outside Joy is on the inside, so let's be thankful for the goodness of the Lord last year. Many have not seen this year as we are today. It is God's mercy that he has given us life and health family and friends Let us be thankful and greateful to our Heavenly Father. Lets not take it for granted dear mothers, Lets go more closer to the Lord this year.

 Today, we will meditate on God's Love for this year. Every year we pray to our father, saying bless us this year and we usually make some new year resolutions. Most of the time it doesn't work. If we rely on God and his promises it will work, It's been my experience. 

The first and foremost promise I held on in my life was psalms 139 verse 17, It says          "How precious it is Lord to realise that you are thinking about me constantly. I can't even count how many times a day your thoughts turn towards me, and when I awaken in the morning you are still thinking of me" yes my dear mothers, when our Heavenly Father is thinking about us always, why should we be discouraged or anxious. In another version it says, if we have to count his thoughts  about us it will outnumber the sand on the seashore. I am amazed and satisfied to live  in this verse for the rest of our life.

The other verse which is my favourite promise is from Isaiah 49 verse 15. It reads like this, can a mother forget her little child and not have love for her own son, though she may forget I will not forget you, see I have engraved you in the palm of my hands, your walls are ever before me. We can ask why palms? because we always look at our palms isn't it? Just like that when our heavenly father always looks at his palms and He remembers you. Not only he remembers, he also plans silently for you. Isn't that so beautiful? 

So this verse always made me to think how can a mother forget? Thats impossible, but one day God taught me practically with a real life illustration. Once we visited our family friends in chennai. Both the families were traveling by bus, we both are big families & our kids were all excited with their friends, our Stop arrived & everyone got off except my 3rd son who was about 5 yrs old. We walked home & I suddenly realized my son was missing, I forgot my son and walked and reached home. My heart broke, how did I forget my son? But God didn't forget him, after a few hours of tension, our son was back with us, after realizing he had fallen asleep on the bus and a kind driver brought him back to us in answer to our prayers. My son safety back in my arms. After a few days my son told me  when he saw me from that bus walking without him,he thought to himself, How did my mummy forgot me?I remember telling him even I may forget, but God won't forget you son. That time he was very small, but that left an impact on the truth of God's word and how relevant for every situation & trial we might face during our life on this earth. He remains faithful & His love is everlasting. 

So my dear mothers let's believe that God is always thinking about us and he'll never forget us even if our loved ones forget us, God is always thinking about us. 

And he is planning silently for you and me.

I wish you all a very glorious and joyful year ahead.

Lets pray for one another this year.

God bless you all. 


  1. Thank you for this post, aunty. My mind just reeled back to the day we thought we lost him. God is so good. He never forgets His children. Thank you again for sharing the encouraging verses and words. Amen. May we all grow closer to the Lord in this year.


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