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Loving greetings and Belated Happy Mother's Day to all my dear mothers and my dear sisters who gives time for this simple note which I write:

Recently I received a gift from my daughter who is in UK London, the parcel came neatly packed, when I opened the outer layer it read like this "Handle with love" I was really thrilled at what could be inside, then at the bottom it read like this "Living plants inside” it took some time for me to come to reality dear mothers. Anyway I thanked my daughter for sending this lovely gift because she knows that I love plants.

We need to handle the plant with love, so how much more that we need to give a thought to our children when we handle them, that spoke volumes to me. We need to show them love whatever it costs us. When we start to show them our love then they will start trusting you, in return they’ll be able to connect with us

Let's give a thought about ‘Mother's Day’ which we all enjoyed recently… because our children appreciated us for what we have done for them the love, sacrifice etc. Let's give a thought about how it originated. Anna Jarvis a woman from Philadelphia started this because her mother Anne Reeves Jarvis started a local women's club to teach women how to take care of their children, when she died she wanted this to be celebrated as “Mother’s day”. Mother’s day is all about how we take care of our children spiritually and physically.

As mothers we are concerned about our children’s physical needs, it’s in us, their food, clothes, studies, health etc. But their spiritual growth is much more important than any of these things. For that we need our Heavenly Father, we need to ask him to guide us and lead us. We have to weep for our children. Jesus told us “Weep for your children” Do we weep for our children’s spiritual growth.

I was reading about the story of Lazarus, it says Mary wept before Jesus, because her brother died, Bible says seeing Mary crying, Jesus was troubled and He wept, some translation says, when we cry for our children. He is troubled and He will answer us, He will raise our children from their spiritual death.

With love we have to handle them, spend time to know them, most of us are busy with social media these days, we tend to neglect our children, I read in a book about bringing up children, in a day at least fourteen times we should touch our children, touching them stimulates love between us and our children, that’s the bond which keeps us together.

I really loved my children very much, my whole world was them. I never imagined that one day they will move to different countries to do their higher studies or job etc. But every time when they travelled back to their work place (abroad), it took long time to get over it, sometimes it took months, because of the love that I have for my children. Once I heard a speaker say, children going abroad are a social prestige but it is a personal tragedy. Yes I have experienced it as I miss them like any mother would feel the same.

Children grow very fast, and they’ll move to a different country for their future. As long as they are with us we need to handle them with love, because they are a gift given to us by God.  Let us preserve this gift and nurture them by prayer, Because one day the Lord will ask us about this gift then that day with joyful heart we can present them before our Heavenly Father that we have done what we could.

Let us continue to pray for one another, especially at this time of difficulty that God will intervene and heal our city and our country.

I wish and pray that all of us will be protected by our Lord and we live to glorify God’s name in our life and in our family life.


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