Trust in God alone our Heavenly Father

Greetings to you all my dear mothers and my beloved sisters & anyone reading this post!

I thought of writing to you all about God’s faithfulness in our life and how to trust Him and also how to have faith in God alone, rather than any man on this earth.

Recently I was thinking about my son (Vijay) who went to be with the Lord 3 years ago. This month he turns 40. He told me once “Mummy when I turn 40 I’ll come back to India and want to stay with you all. That was the confidence I had with my son but then God’s plan was different.

The Bible says in Psalms 118:8 (KJV) says “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.” Yes dear mothers it is always good to put our trust in the Lord. It is always better to rely on God as our ultimate source of help in everything we do, despite man’s best intentions. Man is limited in wisdom, love, power and ability.

Of course, helping others and receiving help from others is good. We all need each other. We must never look at anyone as the ultimate authority on anything. God is the ultimate authority . Trust God Not Man. Isaiah 2:22 NIV says "Stop  trusting in mere humans who have but breath in their nostrils. Why hold them in esteem"

Everything happens for a reason. That reason causes change. Sometime it hurts, sometimes it’s hard, but in the end, it’s all for the best. We should never stop trusting God and believing in his promise which says “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. I was reading an article called “Count not what is lost but what is left.  Mr. Harold Russel a veteran of World War II had both his hands amputated, three inches above his wrist when a defective fuse detonated the TNT which he was holding. Russel was very devastated and thought he was crippled and his life was over. One day a veteran of world war I, who lost his both his hands in the war came to visit him and he said “You are not crippled you are merely handicapped. Russel looked into the dictionary the meaning of both. He thought of the vast difference in the meanings and it changed his mental attitude. He stopped thinking about what he had lost and concentrated on what he was left with. History tells us he became an encouragement to others by writing his life experience to help the handicapped. 

So dear ones, our life should encourage others, all of us face problems, but we have to handle it with right perceptive along with unconditional faith in our Father God. If we have the Lord, we will have a meaningful life. Helen Keller, who became deaf and blind when she was just nineteen months old and who later went on to become an author and lecturer, said “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.” Nothing can be done without hope and confidence on the Lord. 

Let me conclude by adding a small story which touched me and made me feel so emotional. There was a family with one son they took him every year to his grandparent’s house for him to spend some time with them. They accompanied him every year. As the years went on, he grew up to be a young man. One day he told his parents, ‘now I can travel alone, I don’t need you both to travel with me,  but the parents insisted that they wanted to travel with him since it was a long train journey, he disagreed . Then the father and mother agreed to let him travel alone and they gave him lot of instructions because he was going to travel alone for the first time. Before he could board the train the father inserted a slip of paper, in his shirt pocket and said “Anytime when you feel lonely, afraid or you think you are in danger,take this paper and read it. He was not so interested to know about that paper; because he was excited to explore his travel adventures.So the parents left him inside the train and the train started moving, the boy was very happy that he was alone. He got freedom to travel and to see the world. After some hours of the journey the train stopped and every one was running here and there, there was a lot of commotion, smoke and fire. The boy felt scared and he was wondering what was happening. He was talking to himself saying, all these years I travelled with my parents and it was so nice but today something is going wrong and what will I do? Then he remembered his Dad had inserted a paper in his pocket and told him to read when he was in trouble. And indeed he took the paper and read, immediately he felt secured and happy, you know why?Because in the note it was written “Don’t fear son, your Dad is in the next compartment.” That made him very secure and happy. His daddy was travelling with him because daddy knows he cannot travel alone. 

Today our Heavenly Father is travelling with us. He knows we can’t handle it alone. Let’s not get entangled with fear. Our God is an awesome God.

Yes sometimes we find ourselves in difficult situations. Many times I have experienced those moments.  When we think we are alone. But our abba father says I’m with you, I’m in the next compartment. I will not leave you alone.

There’s an old song we used to sing 

“No never alone, no never alone. 

He promised never to leave me. 

Never to leave me alone.

Psalms 55 verse 22 says, “Cast all your cares upon the Lord, Because He cares for you and me.” So why do we need to worry. He is with us in our life’s journey, let’s read the note (Bible) which He has written for us. We will not have fear and doub, but be thankful with what we have. We have life and health. Let’s not take it for granted. Let come what may Our Dad (God)who is travelling with us He is in the next compartment.

Praying for you all and wishing you good health and happy family.

God bless you all my dear mothers.


  1. This article truly blessed me Aunty. Especially the illustration about the boy in the train. My Father is always in the next compartment and I need not fear. Amen

  2. Thank you aunty for this post.. so much blessed. We should never put our trust in man but in God alone. And also about about being an encouragement to others in spite of our little discomforts. The story about the train journey was a reminder of God's promise that He will never leave us though we arrogantly don't want Him beside us trusting in our own confidence. God bless you aunty. Much love and prayers. ❤️🥰


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