He will carry you through


Greetings to all my dear mothers and sisters, 

Hope all of you are safe in God’s grace. 

Thanking our Heavenly Father every day for His mercy which is new every morning. We are alive today it is because of His generous mercy alone, let’s not take it for granted. Many good people, righteous people, god fearing people who were there until yesterday, are not with us today. Let’s not think that we are better than them, not at all, dear mothers, it is only God’s pure mercy. Let’s be thankful and grateful to God for the life, He has graciously given to us and to our family members, let us live for Him alone. Bible says our life is in God’s hands. Psalms 66 verse 9 says “He has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping.” 

The situation we see today can change in the twinkle of an eye, and God’s mercy which we take it for granted can disappear in a second if we are proud. In simple words we should learn to live our life faithful to God, it’s a miracle from God. And being aware on a continuous basis of how much we’ve been shown mercy by God, we should start appreciating all the things God has given us in life for His glory and honour. 

Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate God for what He has already granted them, His mercy and love which never ends. 

Today I thought of sharing few thoughts about my son Vijay who has gone to be with the Lord 3 years ago. Years pass but the memory of my son lingers in my thoughts always, every minute. God in His mercy took me and my husband from India to Germany two months before my son Vijay was taken above. Because God wanted us spend time with our son. God is good in that way. We did spend quality time with our son. As usual for our son Vijay, honouring his parents was his priority in life he did it with utmost ability. His last shopping was for us. His last drive was with us. One last picture he took from his mobile with us, it was both of us sitting together that was the last picture. 

Then the last part of his sickness, almost 15 days when he was admitted in the hospital we prayed for his life. Since he was in coma, every day we see him and we told him “son we love you, God will heal you, come back son we are missing you”. Along with his siblings this went on for 15 days, his younger brothers whom he loved much were also with him throughout those 15 days, talking to him and singing for him along with his sisters, and his wife. 

In spite of all this, God said “I need Vijay more than you all because I love him to be here with me, than there with you all.” 

On 18th September we were all present when his spirit slowly left his body. I had the privilege of holding his hand and could feel his last pulse even as his spirit rose & entered into the glorious presence of Jesus Christ our Savior, but as a mother, was it great? No, I felt no mother should be in my place. 

Today, though it is 3 years passed I’m not able to forget him. With all the effort I make and my children make, it’s more difficult to think that he is no more with me. Our son who is younger to Vijay, who was staying with us had a great spirit of encouraging us and helping us to come to terms with the normal life. We were blessed to have him staying with us at home during that time. 

I was reminded of the story of Mary and Martha, when their brother died, after four days when Jesus came, Martha said to Jesus not knowing that the miracle is around the corner, “Lord, if you would have been here my brother would not have died.” I wish I could talk to my son & share my feelings with him, but I’m praying that God will take me through safely these periods of hard time, because He cares for me and I know I am safe in His hands. 

I heard a story once, a man walked on the rope crossed the Niagara fall. Thousands of people came to watch him to do this act. Media and TV journalists used to cover this story. He was paid huge amount to perform this, it was a very scary act., one day he opened an invitation “is there anyone who wants to join me in this, I’ll carry you on my shoulder and walk through this rope, I’ll pay all the money I get today to anyone who joins me.” No one was daring to join him, after a long pause one young boy jumped up and said I’ll come and he went with him. Others felt astonished, how is it that this boy is willing to go. This man took this young boy put him on his shoulder, and walked through the rope, brought him down and left him safely. Everyone gathered around him and asked, ‘how did you feel when you were up.’ He said “I was not scared and I know very well that he will take me safe and even if I fall he will give even his life to save me, because He is my Dad.” 

Today the feeling you and I should have is that, our daddy will carry us through every situation safely. Our Lord Jesus gave His life to save us from this evil world and what He has started in us He will complete it.

Praying for you,

Have a great day ahead 

God bless you all. 


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