His thoughts towards you are more than the sand on the seashore

 Greetings to all my dear friends, fellow mothers and Sisters and anyone of you taking time to read this.


My hearty New Year greetings to all,


May this year be a glorious year. Let’s be thankful and grateful to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for giving us life and health. Let’s take a movement of gratitude to discover the blessings that God has bestowed upon our lives in the past year.


Before I start my article about ‘our availability to God’ in this New Year, I would like to share the promises God gave me. 

The first promise is from Haggai chapter 2:19 : ‘from this day (this year) I will bless you. Yes indeed dear mothers, this year is going to be a blessed year to all of us.

The second promise is from Psalms 139:17, 18 : Of Love my Father gave me was His thoughts about me is more than the sand on the sea shore. When I wake up in the morning He is still thinking of me. 


That’s awesome isn’t!  The God who created the whole universe is thinking of you now. Great! Let’s remember whatever worst situation we are in today can be changed in the twinkle of an eye because our heavenly Father is thinking of us all the time. For that we should keep calm and count our blessings, enjoy the privilege of knowing our Lord Jesus Christ and acknowledge that everything we have received is from God. In simple words, it means learning to live our life as if everything we’re is a miracle, and being aware of on a continuous basis of how much we’ve been blessed by our Lord.


A small girl named Julie asked her dad for some chocolates, her loving dad brought the whole box and told her, ‘take it dear, how much ever you want, the daughter said “dad my hand is very small so you take and give me, because your hand is big.” Yes indeed dear mothers our Dad’s hands are big, His thoughts towards us are big, His ways are big. Let’s ask him Dad you give, we see that the Lord says “your ways are not my ways, your thoughts are not my thoughts.” Our Heavenly Father is planning silently for you and for me.


Let’s take a moment to thank God, be grateful, because whatever we have is not by our power or might, but it is the “Grace of God our Lord Jesus Christ.” He is the giver of everything. Let’s be gratrful to him.


I read in a place, “you cannot live without breathing, but no one lives just to breath.” The God who gave us this breath wants us to do good to others as much as we can, with the ability that we have.


We have to plant goodness wherever we go in this New Year, it’ll last longer. I heard a true story. In England in the year 1920 there was a graduation ceremony for a batch of new doctors. This ceremony was attended by the British prime minister at that time. During the ceremony the dean narrated the true incident which happened with him some years back. He said, one day in the midnight he heard a knock at his door, when he opened the door to see who it was, an old lady crying to save her son who is in a very serious condition. He rushed to follow her without knowing what’s next. Doctor said it was stormy, raining heavily; he didn’t waver in his faith, but rushed to help this child. Their house was on the outskirts of London, it was a difficult journey, finally reached her house and gave the treatment the sick child, and then the mother gave me small bag with money which I refused to take it because I felt sorry for their poor situation. I took care of the child till he got better as I promised his mother.

The dean continued in his speech, this is the true deed which is closest profession of mercy one of the closest to God’s way of doing goodness.


As soon as the dean finished his speech, the Prime minister jumped out of his seat, headed to the podium and said “permit me sir to kiss your hand, for twenty years until now, I was looking for you, I’m the child you mentioned in your story. My mother is still alive and she will rest in peace if she sees you, for that goodness you did for us at that time when we were living in poverty.


The poor child who became the Prime minister of England was “Lloyd George.

Let’s plant goodness this year dear mothers even if it is not in our place. It will never get lost wherever you plant. No one can harvest that except one who has planted it.


Doing good to others will always purify our heart. Let’s start from our children first. There is a verse in the Bible, it says like this, “sow your seed in the morning or in the evening, don’t know which one will grow, perhaps both. “Ecclesiastes 11: 6. Planting goodness all the time is a great opportunity throughout our whole life.”

In my life many people have sown goodness when my children were small. They all should be proud to see us now. All glory goes to God alone.


Let me conclude by saying, “past year has been a roller coaster ride,” thanks to the pandemic worldwide... All of us have learnt many lessons in our life, death, fear and anxiety are some the ways devil tried making us stray. However we have triumphed because God gave us grace so that we didn’t lose our faith. Even though some of us have lost our dear ones, friends, families etc., we are still thankful and great full to God for all that the Lord has done in the last year because He knows everything. My dear mothers although the year 2021 has ended and the New Year 2022 has begun, let’s continue to cling on to Jesus our Lord who is the author and the finisher of our Faith. 


Let’s never forget His benefits in the past year, when we look back over our life, consider some of the things we’ve faced, at the time we didn’t think we could make it through. The obstacles were so large, the breakups, hurts badly, and the medical report was so negative. We didn’t see a way out but God turned it around. He gave us the strength to move on. That wasn’t coincidence it was the hand of God my dear mothers, God made a way for us in the past; He will make a way in this year too.


Let’s be thankful and grateful to God for all that he has done and for all that he will do in this coming year.


Once again my loving greetings and prayers for you!



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