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My Journey - A personal Story

Greetings to you all in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ dear mother, friends and anyone reading today.

I pray and hope you all are happy and healthy by God’s grace.

I had a recent heath challenge that I went through over the last 10 months, I thought I will share with you all and trust it will encourage you. By God’s grace I am back to being able to do all my routine tasks, like taking care of my home, family, cooking, gardening etc.,

I felt it will be something good to share in order to bring awareness to many women.

I read a beautiful quote “Enjoy the little things in life for one day you may look back and realize they were big things” They may be small pleasures but are truly precious. As mothers we overlook this simple joy and worry about what is to come. Life is filled with uncertainties. Enjoy the little things, for they will surely lighten the heart.”

I’ve never expected that I’ll get cancer at any part of my life. Never had a family history. I’ve never had a fall or never been hospitalized for any health reasons; I was a healthy mother, that's what I thought. So one day I felt a strange lump in my breast, but I ignored it and prayed about it, didn’t reveal to anyone for two years. Life had to move on, so even without caring for my health, I didn’t want to disrupt my children’s marriage proposal, engagements and their Wedding and everything took place on time, as planned. Finally I decided to tell my son. Then followed various tests and investigations, the Doctors concluded that its malignant cancer, and it needs to be treated, with chemotherapy first. My son had a lot  of patience as he took me up and down to the Hospital, driving me to various places for investigations and treatments, being newly married, his wife was very supportive, thankful to God for them. 

Sometimes we mothers to see our family and our children happy, we ignore or rather hide, to sacrifice our happiness. It is true our family needs and values us, at the same time we mothers need to take care of our health, for ourselves and our children. Take time for your health, before it’s too late dear mothers. It’s not selfish, it’s necessary.

Before I started the treatment, God gave me one verse from the Bible John 11:4 it says “this sickness is not unto death but for the glory of God. This verse gave me lots of comfort and faith to move on in life trusting god alone.

The Chemotherapy has lots side effects which I went through. Let me mention few of them. I lost my hair completely in a few months of chemo, Loss of appetite, loss of taste, my nails tuned black & numb, so did my feet, weakness fatigue etc. This carried on for 8 months. Through it all my Savior stood with me and helped me to stand firm in his word, It says in Bible, my presence shall go with thee, Yes indeed he did come with me through all these hard times. One of my daughters left her two kids with her husband in UK, she had tremendous patience and love took care of me, and my niece who travelled every time with me to hospital to stay with me. I’m deeply thankful to her for her selfless love and Sacrifice throughout my treatment. 

After the Chemo was completed I wondered what next. The Doctor said the lump has reduced, in size, and the scan shows a lot of progress, I was very happy, and thought that’s it. Then came the big shock of my life, I was told I need to be operated. Mastectomy. It’s called modified total mastectomy. I couldn’t accept this. This came as a ton of bricks on my head. My children had a hard time trying to convince me the importance of this surgery, my long-time friend came home stayed with me and prayed with me during this time. Others stood with me in prayer, my husband and children and family members and my close friends.

My dear mothers I’m writing this article to encourage you all to take care of your Heath, and to bring awareness to all women folks. We can have our Heath back if we take time for ourselves and check our body regularly.

The support system, the families of my children and my brothers and sisters who prayed constantly without giving up, was the reason I was in a positive frame of mind. The surgery went on successfully on Feb 15, one of my son's flew from Germany leaving his pregnant wife. and his son be with me at the Hospital during these days. It was such a strength to me and my family members.

I’m most privileged mother to have such caring children, who taught me many valuable lessons in my life, that  “love is necessary not a luxury". Their love boosted my immunity level. Doctors were happy that I’ve come out well. Then came difficult part I was to undergo  15 Sessions of Radiation, as advised by my doctors. However difficult it is, the key is to remain positive and go through the treatment is what I felt. God helped me to go through it. Praise God.

Its very important to have regular heath check-up dear mothers. The best way to solve the problem is before they happen. The experiences I have recounted here are all on a positive note. We should have good God-fearing family and friends who makes us feel normal and help us gain courage to look forward to a better future. There’s a saying “the mind usually gives up before the body”. This is the time the family and friends, play a major role in praying and encouraging. I’m most fortunate have a wonderful circle of family and praying friends who carried me every day to our father in heaven for healing.

Today I’m set free from that dreaded sickness. All glory to God and my Saviour Jesus Christ.

I’ll probably write again, little bit more about my whole journey and about my support system like my children and their family. how did it help me to get better every day? And I’ll be praying for you all to have a blessed life and healthy life dear mothers.

God bless you all and thank you for reading and I appreciate all your prayers!

I would like to end with something I read recently, It said "Disappointments and disruptions are sovereignly ordained for our growth, Though they seem like an unwanted and unnecessary interruption, they are necessary tools in God's sovereign and loving hands in shaping us into who He wants us to be"

A familiar song that has helped me much..

Trust in the lord & don't despair
He is a friend so true to you
No matter what your troubles are
Jesus will see you through

Sing when the day is bright
Sing through the darkest night
Every day all the way
Let us Sing, Sing, Sing.


  1. Praising God for you Precious aunty and for your wonderful testimony to encourage each one of us. God has sustained you throughout the season of hardships and He is faithful. Thank you for taking time to share your experiences. You are a blessing.

    1. Thank you so much dear.. Dont know you. Can you pls introduce yourself dear. God bless you dear.

    2. Mom, this is From Ruby my friend

  2. Dear Aunty, Thanks be to God for healing you and it is a such a pleasure to have a beautiful family who stands by you through difficult times. Aunty it is really encouraging to hear what you have gone through and for the precious advise given to all of us. Thank you very much Aunty. Ours prayers are always with you !

    1. My dear, so and so, Pls introduce yourself dear. Want to know you. Thank you souch for your encouragement dear. God bless you.

  3. Wow so blessed to read your testimony aunty, I am so inspired by your story and your advice to take care of our health. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Big hug to you.

  4. My dear pls introduce yourself. Want to know you dear.. Thank you so much. Keep going. God bless you. Praying for you.

  5. Thanks dear for your love. Want to know you little more about you. Take care. Keeping you in my prayers.

  6. Praise God aunty. Thank you for writing and encouraging us. Just as you said, we as mothers tend to overlook our health and bodily needs in the name of sacrifice. You have been in my prayers everyday from day 1(since the day i heard about your health issue). You are still in my prayers. I praise God for your life that is a living testimony to us all. Much Love to you aunty. 🥰😍

  7. Praise God 🙏 Thank you sister for sharing your testimony its very encouraging one,God bless you sister.

  8. Request those who comment, pls write your names at the end of your message. Mom would love to know who you are & thank you personally. Thank you .

  9. Praise God for your complete healing sister.. Your testimony and advice will go a long way in helping mother's to take care of themselves as they take care of their families and not ignore their own health at any cost..Looking forward to reading more blogs from you that seem like words of God through your hand.. God bless

  10. Aunty, truly blessed to read your testimony. It's a testimony of God's grace in giving you great strength and endurance. I was blessed how God revealed His purpose to you even before you began this journey of healing and recovery. From what I know of you Aunty, you are woman of great strength!!! Waiting to hear more from you.

  11. Thank you Jesse. God bless you. Praying for you r family.

  12. Praise God sister Rani ! I am so glad that you have come out of the trial successfully glorifying God.God loves you so much so he has chosen you to go thr' this to prove His goodness & mercy towards us.


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