A Mother's Journey of Faith, Love, and Wisdom in Raising Godly Children

Dear Mothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to all my dear Mothers and sisters. By the grace of God and by your prayers, I’m doing well. My last scan gave a good report that I am fine. I am thankful to all of you for upholding me in your prayers. All the glory to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We did remember our son's 5th year of his home going. 5 years passed, but His memories are still fresh and will never get erased from me as a mother. It is painful and hard, when I face some difficult situation, when I’m hurt, I remember him very much. I also have a question about why God took him away from me, but I know one day I will receive an answer from God. That is when I meet him in eternity face to face. One day, my son Vijay asked me “Mummy, why don’t you write a small note about how Daddy and you raised us like this,” I told him, Son, even if I write it’s not going to help, because the present generation is not suitable for such life. But my son said, not to anyone but for me to know, how you both managed or handled the different circumstances like sickness, lack of money, disciplining, etc., I did not take it seriously what my son said at that time, later, after when he left us, I thought it is good to write how we brought up our children in different circumstances, overcame different difficult situation. I would like to highlight one important point that we did, and we are still doing, that we prayed for our children every day and all the time from the day they were born and till today. We never stopped praying for them. When our children fell sick, what came to our mind first was not the doctor, but we prayed for them and Lord Jesus healed them because He is our healer, and He is the owner of our children. Psalms 139:3, says, “You created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” v.15 says, "My frame was not hidden from you, when I was made in the secret place", v.16 first part says, “your eyes saw my unformed body.” So, He is the maker, He knows what’s exactly wrong in their body. I always go to the maker; He sets it right all the time. We thank God for the doctors and the medicines, but ultimately, it’s God who heals us, and it’s God alone. Regarding food, we were not able to give rich food to our children, but we prayed and with thanksgiving we gave them whatever we could and they obeyed. God blessed them with good health, and wisdom to do their education. Compassion and kindness are another important atmosphere that we should create at home for our children, and they should experience peace at home. In the early days, we had only 2 volumes of Praise and Worship cassettes which we used to play for our children in the morning as they got ready to go to school, they listened, and sometimes they sang along and got ready, in this way we as mothers create an atmosphere to help them to grow in their spiritual life. I deliberately made time to talk to my children after they came from school and whenever it was possible. Listen to their funny jokes and stories from school, friends et., we enjoyed listening to them. My husband would play with them after he returned from his office every day. We spent a lot of time together as a family. I read a story like this,

Once upon a time, a delightful scene unfolded when 4-year-old Tommy returned from school, brimming with excitement. With an air of innocence, he declared to his father, "Daddy, I've decided to get married."

Amused by this unexpected declaration, Daddy responded with a smile, "Well, that's a good idea, Tommy. But whom have you decided to marry?"

Without hesitation, Tommy revealed his choice, "My grandmother."

Perplexed but curious, Daddy inquired, "Why your grandmother, Tommy?"

With genuine enthusiasm, Tommy explained, "Because she makes the tastiest food, and every day she tells me the most wonderful stories."

Daddy, taking a moment to ponder, responded with a chuckle, "You can marry your grandmother, Tommy, but there's a problem."

Wearing a slightly disappointed expression, Tommy questioned, "What's the problem, Daddy?"

Amused, Daddy explained, "She is my mother, Tommy. How can you marry her?"

Unfazed by this revelation, Tommy quipped with innocence, "So what? You married my mother!"

The room echoed with laughter, bringing a delightful end to a charming tale.

Children, when they are small, we can hear many innocent stories like this and enjoy them. So, we used to listen to our children’s different funny stories and enjoyed them. We must give time to our children when they are small and when they need us. Later, we can expect their time for us when we are old and when we are in need. Right now, we're experiencing that. Another important role as mothers, we must take time to teach our children to fear God from an early stage. Example: Moses’s mother was asked to take care of Moses only for a few years, maybe three years or less. But she taught him during that time that he belonged to the God of Israel. He didn’t forget it when he was forty years old, he recognized his identity with his true brothers, Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he’ll not depart from it.” very true. As mothers, we should claim this promise from the Bible, Isaiah 8:18 says, “Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion” when we believe this verse and pray God will manifest His glory through miracles and it works. The greatest gift we can give to our children is the foundation of God’s word, and that’ll give them the root of responsibility as they grow to depend on the word of God always. To be in our children’s memories, we as mothers have to be in their lives today. They need our time, and they should feel the warmth of our presence, which no one can give. As I said earlier, children are not ours, they are God’s, but we have received them as a gift from above. So, we have to be diligent in praying for our children. I’ve read a saying like this, “Don’t handicap your children, by making their life easy.” It’s true. My children learned to depend on the Lord because they grew up in hard and difficult circumstances. For everything, there’s an answer, we as mothers should pray all the time for our children. We need to spend time alone with God and His word every day. A W Tozer recommends, “that we should turn off our television and our present-day so-called mobile, and let our soul delight in the fellowship and the mercies of God.” Let me conclude this by encouraging you all, dear mothers, to have strong faith in our God and believe that one day our children will come to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, fear God, and walk in His ways. I read a quote written by a great man which goes like this, “Faith is like a bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark”. How true it is, yes, we need to be filled with Hope even if our children are yet to be transformed by our Lord Jesus. Let’s pray like this, Dear Lord, give courage to our children to be obedient to your truth in this critical and dangerous world that they are living in. Please preserve them and protect them from this evil world. Thank you for your every promise to your children. Amen.


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