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A Mother’s Prayer


A Mother’s Prayer

Special message on International Mother’s Day - 2024


Dear Mothers and Sisters,

My loving greetings to all mothers in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father’s love

I wanted to share this with you all as a reminder of how much our Heavenly Father loves us and looks after us as mothers. Last month International Women’s Day was celebrated. Let us be thankful to God for creating us as women at birth. Bible says, in Psalms 139: “You are beautifully and wonderfully made, awesome work of God. Indeed, we are very much special to Him.

International Mother's Day is just around the corner. Another important day to celebrate.

Let me share a few important thoughts about mothers:

·       Mother’s love comes next to God’s love.

·       Bible says “Mother may forget her only child but I’ll not forget you.

Our love to our children must be unconditional. Let them see God’s love in us & through us.


My eldest son would tell me “Mummy, for me every day is Mother’s Day, because I think of you both and thank God every day, for all that you taught me when I was growing up. But, for some who don’t remember their mother’s, it’s good for them to remember these special days to thank God.

True mother

What is special about this Mother’s Day for us. These days anyone can become mothers, because of the technology. But a woman with a heart of prayer for her children is very important.

Dear mothers, it is our responsibility to pray for our children as it grants us the power to positively impact and change our lives and the lives of our children.

To spend time in prayer requires taking a break from worldly distractions and concerns. Being alone with God means we launch ourselves into a life of greater contentment and Joy, empowers us to face the harsh realities of life with the help of our God.

Kind and gentle

We need to be kind and gentle with our children, considering the tough challenges and the struggles that the present generations are facing. Sometimes they are unsure of where to go or what to do and that’s the time we should take some time to speak with them, and be able to make them to be stable by sharing God’s word to them and if possible, pray with them.

Mother Teresa quotes like this, “Kind words with our children can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” With a present generation we should use gentle words instead of harsh words. Let me put it in this way, kindness does not cost much, yet they accomplish much. When we pray for our children, we have to be optimistic. Be positive means believing that my sons and daughters will be disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing is impossible with God.

Few specific points as we pray for our children:

·       asking the Lord to help them to understand the importance of having personal relationship with Him and to recognize that their identity lies in Him.

·       May our children be bestowed with the strength and courage to remain steadfast in their faith even when they face adversity.

·       May the father bestow upon our children the gift of wisdom to embrace a righteous way of living and cultivate a humble spirit.



Never give up

As a mother I prayed for my children all the time. Let us pray until we are called home to be with the Lord, because prayer does miracles in our children’s lives, no prayer of a mother has gone unanswered, all the prayers are answered.

John Wesley writes: “My mother’s prayer followed me wherever I went. So, let’s start praying for our children from the day they are formed in our womb.

We should never give up praying for our children, I have experienced many miracles in my children’s life. ‘Great things are achieved by praying mothers.’ So dear mothers, it is not too late, the hard days are what makes us strong in the Lord. So, we have to help our children by being available for them in their time of need and stand with them and encourage them always to trust God in all situations. We should not be wasting our time on things doesn’t worth, the time is precious and it’s priceless, once time is wasted, it cannot be recovered. Bible says, ‘now is the time.’ So, my dear mothers, let’s put our hearts and soul into praying, becoming mothers who pray in the days ahead.


A few days ago, we had a sister’s meeting in our residence, As I shared about myself, I mentioned that I was not a well-educated mother, and I was not a wise mother too. However, I have always been a praying mother for my children always till now.


Teaching to trust God

Let us refrain from hindering the development of our children by providing them with an effortless life. William Booth writes in his article, how to bring up a godly child, he says, when your children ask you to buy something don’t give them immediately, wait for three days, pray and then you give, then they will understand the value of God and the thing that you bought. In my house, our children learnt everything in a hard way, not just three days but sometimes even after thirty days they did not get it, but by God’s grace our children learnt to trust God, very early in life to live a simple life. So, dear mothers never give up praying for your children. Sometimes it does get delayed, but it’s not denial. Some of my (our) prayers took years to get answered but I never gave up, prayed until I received it. Answer will come dear mothers.

This year, let us dedicate ourselves to making it a year of prayer.

Let’s pray, never give up.

 Happy Mother's Day



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